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« Mai 2024 »

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Samedi 18 Mai 2024 (53)

1: From Developer's Nightmare to Web's Superhero: The Incredible Journey of JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Everyone has either heard of or knows JavaScript because it's one of the most popular programming languages in the world. JavaScript is ruling the web, and its story of creation and evolution is nothing short of extraordinary. This artic...

2: All About the Other Python Iterables: Dictionaries

Hashnode - python (python)

As far as 'collectible' data types go, we've looked at lists, tuples and sets. In this episode of data types that house other data types, we'd be looking at dictionaries. This type stands out from the others because it has key-value pairs which is a ...

3: Asynchronous JavaScript with Promise APIs (all, allSettled, race and any)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript asynchronous programming is an essential ability for recent developers. Promises have made it easier to handle asynchronous tasks and reduced the likelihood of errors. With promises, handling callbacks is simplified, improving...

4: How to add tailwind to your Django project and Django Admin

Hashnode - python (python)

Install Tailwind CSS in your Django project Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that allows you to build custom styles for your web pages. It provides a set of pre-built classes that you can use to style your HTML elements. Before we run the next command...

5: The Machine, the Matchbox, and the Open Road

Hashnode - python (python)

In the soft glow of my monitor, lines of code dance before my eyes, a familiar ballet of logic and precision. I am a machine whisperer, a weaver of digital dreams. Yet, beneath the surface, a discordant symphony plays, a melancholic melody etched int...

6: Unlocking the Power of Actions in React 19: Simplifying State Management

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React 19 makes it way easier to manage state and data mutations! This is made possible with the introduction of "Actions" which are functions that use async Transitions. Actions Reduce Boilerplate Actions let us skip the manual process of handling pe...

7: Mastering Flutter BLoC Pattern: CRUD for Seamless State Management

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

' Unleash the Power of BLoC in Flutter Maintaining and updating the state of your Flutter application can be a daunting task, but with the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern, you can take your development skills to the next level. This comprehe...

8: Weekend Reading ' Objection-oriented programming

Lab notes (Développement)

This week we find a power-up box, replace GitHub Actions with Maven XMLs, avoid the worst website in the world, revisit RTO policies, 'listen' to OpenAI employees, watch our Slack private messages, do laundry for free, and fall asleep to a YouTube video.

9: OMRElite: Mobile Application for Exam Management with OMR/Bubble Sheet

Hashnode - python (python)

After almost 10K+ lines of code ', countless sleepless nights ', infinite amount of bug/error fixing later, Introducing "OMRElite"! The app has been in the making for over a month & still going... Here's the video demo:

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10: Defining Constants in Flutter: Best Practices

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction When building a Flutter application, you often encounter values that remain unchanged throughout the app's lifecycle. These immutable values, known as constants, can be effectively managed to keep your code clean, efficient, and easy to ...

11: Must-Have VS Code Extensions to Level Up Your React Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor for developers, and with the right extensions, it becomes a powerhouse for React development. Here's a look at some must-have extensions to boost your productivity: Linting & Formatting: ESLint a...

12: GPT-4o: OpenAI combines audio, text, and vision in one model

Hashnode - python (python)

Hi AI Enthusiasts, Welcome to this week's Magic AI news, where we bring you exciting updates from the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Technology. OpenAI and Google have presented a lot of new things this week. Stay curious! ' This week's M...

13: Variables in Js | 02

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Variables' Variables are containers for storing data in JavaScript. Variables can be used to store reusable values, such as numbers, strings, arrays, objects, functions, etc. The values of the variables are assigned using the assignment oper...

14: Python Linked Lists : Easy Steps to Get Started

Hashnode - python (python)

Ever wondered how efficiently Python handles data connections' Linked lists are a powerful data structure for managing connections and dynamic memory. Unlike arrays, they store elements in separate nodes linked together. Let's explore how Python effi...

15: Intro to JavaScript | 01

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Who Created JS ' JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich(also the co-founder of mozilla and creater of brave) in 1995 in 10 days working at Netscape. History behind the JS name ' initially, it was named Mocha by the creator, which was later renamed Li...

16: Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Loops: Mastering the Basics

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a loop in programming' Loops are used in JavaScript and most programming language to perform repeated actions in an easier way based on a particular condition which evaluates to return a true or false value. A condition refers to a test or an...

17: Fuite des cerveaux et dettes abyssales : Stability AI, un empire qui s'effrite

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Pionnière de l'IA générative avec Stable Diffusion, Stability AI semblait promise à un brillant avenir. Mais la start-up fait aujourd'hui … Cet article Fuite des cerveaux et dettes abyssales : Stability AI, un empire qui s’effrite a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

18: Day 8 of 100DaysOfCode - Caesar Cipher

Hashnode - python (python)

On Day 8 of #100DaysofCode, this mini project has taken me around 5 days to complete as there were issues with the code. I have created a caesar cipher program using the following python concepts from Dr Angela Yu's 100DaysOfCode: The Complete Python...

19: Understanding the basics of RAG with a demo

Hashnode - python (python)

Ever since Gen AI took the front seat, RAG became a very popular term. By definition, RAG stands for Retrieval Augmented Generation; it is a natural language processing technique that combines the strengths of both retrieval- and generative-based art...

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20: Understanding Unit Testing in Python: Testing Laundry Price Calculations

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Unit Testing' In the world of software development, ensuring that your code works correctly is crucial. This is where unit testing comes into play. Unit testing is a type of software testing where individual units or components of the softwar...

21: Secure Your APIs (Part 2): Rate Limiting and Validation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Recap In the previous blog, we made our own proxy server to handle APIs. It is important to note that the proxy servers are NOT our main servers, and therefore we do not use proxy servers to handle database requests directly. There are used mainly fo...

22: Basics of Statistics in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Numpy is the main python library used for complex math calculations.Pandas is built on top of Numpy for working with tables (or dataframes).Matplotlib is used for plotting charts and graphs and seaborn is for enhanced visualizations, and is built on ...

23: Revolutionizing Next.js: How Docker Sets the Stage for Future-Proof Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, the combination of Docker and Next.js stands out as a powerful duo propelling developers toward the future. Docker's containerization technology, paired with Next.js's robust framework for buildin...

24: Learn OOPS in Python: A Simple Guide for Newbies

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to a beginner's guide to OOPS in Python! I'm Brahma ', a passionate software developer. I am documenting my learning journey through a series of blog posts. Stay tuned!! Introduction OOPS in any programming language, is kind of interesting a...

25: Ch' '' nghiêm ng't (Strict Mode) trong JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Có l' b'n 'ã t'ng th'y 'use strict' trong các d' án nh'ng có th' b'n ch' nhìn l''t và có th' b' qua nó. Cùng tìm hi'u bài vi't này '' hi'u rõ h'n v' 'use strict' trong JavaScript nhé. Gi'i thi'u v' Strict Mode trong JavaScript N'u b'n 'ã t'ng vi't co...

26: Validating Usernames in a Smart Contract

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction One of the first challenges in building an application is handling user registration. We often need to allow users to choose their own username, while ensuring that each one is unique. Usernames also usually require validation, with cons...

27: A Comprehensive Guide to SQLite CRUD Operations in Flutter with Bloc

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hello everyone, Today, I'll guide you through performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in Flutter using SQLite, with Bloc for state management. SQLite is a local database that stores data on the device, making it essential to underst...

28: The Art of Optimization: Debouncing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Suppose your application has a search bar and it calls an API every time on change event is triggered. You typed some 6 letters word in that then that makes the API call 6 times. What if you typed some 100 or say 1000 letter word then wont that make ...

29: Undefined vs Undeclared [Javascript]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

UndefinedUndeclared DefinitionA variable that has been declared but has not been assigned a value.A variable that has not been declared in any scope using the var, let or const keywords. BehaviorThe variable exists in the current scope and its ty...

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30: Building a web app (Whinst) weekly update 5

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Deployed the backend I deployed the Whinst backend to a Digital Ocean Droplet which is Linux-based virtual machine. The process was pretty straight forward because I've done deployment like this a couple of times'. I first setup the Droplet and st...

31: Creating a Reusable Axios Wrapper: A Clean and Efficient Approach

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

In one of our projects, we use the axios library to make API requests to our backend REST endpoints. However, we need to add authorization headers to these API requests. After the user logs in, we store the JWT token received from the backend and sen...

32: How to create an interactive testimonial with Astrojs, Tailwind CSS and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Recreating a testimonial section with Tailwind CSS and JavaScript that we did with Alpine.js in the previous tutorial. See it live and get the code What are testimonials' Testimonials are a great way to showcase your work and build trust with potenti...

33: 22. Generate Parentheses

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses. Examples Example 1: Input: n = 3 Output: ["((()))","(()())","(())()","()(())","()()()"] Example 2: Input: n = 1 Output: ["()"] ...

34: Day 2 in Dev Life of Brian

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I wanted to push yesterday's bug fixes and improvements to the web, but then I noticed that the navigation bar was back on the left side of the application. ''' Glitch in the Matrix Surely I had fixed and changed this because I made new screenshots...

35: The Beginner's Guide to Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction As a newcomer to web development, understanding the core technologies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential. These three pillars form the foundation of the web, enabling you to create structured, styled, and interactive websites. In ...

36: JavaScript Functions Explained: The Essential Guide for Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Once upon a time, in a magical land called Codeville, there were these little helpers called Functions. Now, imagine Functions as little wizards who can do special tasks for us. Let's meet our first Function, named MagicMaker. MagicMaker's job is to ...

37: Facebook : comment activer le mode sombre sur mobile et desktop

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez la marche à suivre pour activer le mode sombre sur Facebook.

38: 979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree

Hashnode - python (python)

# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution: def distributeCoins(self, root: Option...

39: GTA 6 : très mauvaise nouvelle pour les fans, selon ce document Take-Two

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Votre aventure dans la version moderne de Vice City sera retardée. Selon les dernières nouvelles, GTA 6 ne sortira pas … Cet article GTA 6 : très mauvaise nouvelle pour les fans, selon ce document Take-Two a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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40: What Are Python Libraries' Explained Simply

Hashnode - python (python)

Why Learn Python In recent years, Python has gained so much popularity because of its simplicity that it is now considered one of the fastest-growing programming languages across the globe. In addition, Python has an extensive library ecosystem, whi...

41: Pythonic Paradigm: Writing Elegant and Efficient Code

Hashnode - python (python)

In the realm of programming languages, Python stands out for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. One of the key principles that sets Python apart is its emphasis on writing code that isn't just functional but also elegant and efficient. Thi...

42: Liens vagabonds : Google veut révolutionner notre travail, OpenAI, notre vie

Meta Media (Internet)

«'Les robots conversationnels ont-ils franchi une nouvelle frontière cette semaine'''» Pour la communauté commentatrice de l'actualité IA, il n'y a aucun doute. Lundi et mardi, les deux géants de l'IA générative se sont affrontés en dévoilant leurs nouveautés lors de leurs conférences de presse respectives. Les objectifs des deux entreprises... The post Liens vagabonds : Google veut rà [...]

43: Biographies des journalistes : comment engager son lectorat en incarnant son média '

Meta Media (Internet)

Les biographies permettent au lectorat d'en savoir plus sur les journalistes derrière les papiers. Mediapart et le New York Times expliquent comment cet outil est une manière de renforcer confiance et engagement. Par Agathe Kupfer, journaliste indépendante  Si vous pouvez reconnaître dans la rue le ou la présentateur·ice du journal... The post Biographies des journalistes : comment engager [...]

44: The Art of JavaScript Functions: A Comprehensive Exploration

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functions are reusable blocks of code that encapsulate logic and perform specific tasks. We will understand functions with real-world web application examples that demonstrate the practical use of functions in JavaScript.

45: How to send an Email from your Gmail Account with Nodemailer '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Sending emails programmatically is a common task in web development, and Nodemailer is a popular Node.js library that simplifies this process. This tutorial will guide you through sending an email from your Gmail account using Nodemailer. Whether you...

46: Top 10 basic Git Command which you must know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article will help you gain a basic understanding of essential Git commands for your next project. These commands are useful for beginners who are curious about Git. However, before diving into the commands, let's understand some terminology rela...

47: Visualize This (2nd ed.): Finding the Best Visualization Tools

Flowing data (dataviz)

There are a lot of tools to visualize data. Some are visualization-specific. Some are tools that let you make charts but are focused on other data things. New apps come out with new features that promise new things. This can make it tricky to find the best visualization tool.Tags: writing

48: Hoisting in JavaScript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this brief blog, we will explore the concept of hoisting in JavaScript, including how it affects variable and function declarations, and provide an overview of it. JavaScript's hoisting feature rearranges declarations, enabling access to variables...

49: To NOT or NOT to NOT NOT': Why We Use !! In JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When I was working through my basic JavaScript fundamentals materials for my bootcamp with Flatiron School, I came upon the concept of logical operators for the first time. Logical operators are fairly simple to understand. ! will operate on an expre...

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50: Unleash the Power of Python Programming: A Journey from Beginner to Pro

Hashnode - python (python)

Unleash the Power of Python Programming: A Journey from Beginner to Pro Introduction: Embarking on the Python Odyssey Python has emerged as a versatile and user-friendly programming language, widely adopted by beginners and professionals alike. Embar...

51: How CTOs are getting more control over how they build teams in LATAM

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the not-too-distant future, the tech industry was buzzing with excitement, much like the golden era of the NASA space program. Tech executives were the new astronauts, navigating the vast software development universe. But just as the space progra...

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Richard Carlier

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