Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
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Hello, digital explorers! ' After mastering HTML and CSS, it's time to level up with JavaScript (JS). JS is like the wizard of the web, bringing life and action to your pages! What is JavaScript' JavaScript is a programming language that adds intera...
What makes Duracell Coppertop AA Batteries with Power Boost Ingredients stand out among the sea […]
Introduction ' A New Era in Flutter State Management: Signals Dive into the world of Signals ' - a groundbreaking approach in Flutter state management. This guide compares Signals with Bloc, Riverpod, and Provider, inspired by Temi's YouTube tutori...
Understanding the symmetrical Argument for Flexible Relationship Management in Django Models When designing a database model in Django, you might encounter scenarios where you need to model relationships between entities, such as users in a social me...
In our increasingly digital world, understanding core web development practices is essential. At the center of this field is 'Asynchronous JavaScript,' a pivotal player in modern web development. This detailed guide aims to demystify Async JavaScript...
A tensor is the core abstraction that the entire field of deep learning is built upon. One way of thinking of a tensor is as an abstraction of vectors and matrices: A scalar is just a number. For example: $$1, sqrt{2}, -12, 1.3$$A vector is a genera...
If you've done any web development, you've likely come across the innerHTML attribute which allows you to easily set or get the HTML content of an element. While innerHTML is convenient, it also poses major security risks that all developers should b...
Have a look at Day 9 of our special calendar to discover more frontend links and valuable resources from 2023.
Why Python' Python is the language of choice for deep learning which is why it is the first technology in the tech tree. It is flexible and easy to use. The ability to quickly hack an idea together and try it out makes the process of iterating much f...
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Keeping up with AI is hard As you might have heard (from every single tech outlet), AI is developing at a rapid pace and it can be hard to keep up. If a new technology or breakthrough comes out every week, how can anyone possibly stay on top of every...
Understanding the intricacies of pathfinding is a critical skill when developing 3D games or simulations. Imagine your game character navigating through a dense jungle or finding their way across a ... Read more
Navigating the digital realms of game development might often feel as complex as charting a course through uncharted territories. Understanding the intricacies of game mechanics and player movement can be ... Read more
Welcome to our journey into the world of 3D navigation in Godot 4! Imagine creating a game where your characters move with life-like precision, avoiding obstacles and finding the most ... Read more
In the vast landscape of web development, the journey from crafting a brilliant Django application to making it accessible to the world is an adventure that often involves navigating through the complexities of cloud computing. In this blog post, we'...
Welcome to a comprehensive tutorial on the Mutex class in Godot 4. If you’re venturing into the realm of game development with Godot, understanding how to manage multiple processes is ... Read more
Diving into the world of game development opens up a multitude of avenues for creative and technical exploration. One such aspect, which is increasingly popular, is multiplayer game development. With ... Read more
Welcome to our tutorial on extending the capabilities of multiplayer programming in Godot 4 using the MultiplayerAPIExtension class. Multiplayer games continue to captivate players around the world, offering dynamic interactions ... Read more
Welcome to a journey through the world of multiplayer game development using the Godot Engine! Multiplayer games have been captivating audiences for decades, providing a space where friends and strangers ... Read more
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Unlocking Creative Potential with Godot’s MovieWriter Are you an aspiring game developer or hobbyist looking to harness the power of Godot 4 to create engaging game content that can be ... Read more
Diving into the world of virtual reality can be a thrilling experience, and for developers, creating VR content for mobile devices offers a unique set of challenges and opportunities. In ... Read more
En cette fin d’année 2023, la montée en flèche des failles de sécurité menace la stabilité des entreprises. Il est … Cet article Fuites de données : toutes les statistiques importantes à connaitre en 2023 a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
La Russie, avec ses cyberattaques sophistiquées, a accumulé une quantité impressionnante de données. Grâce à ces informations dérobées, la Russie … Cet article La Russie tient en laisse l’OTAN grâce à ces montagnes de données volées a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Unveiling the Power of Combining and Merging in Pandas ' Combining and merging data is a common task in data analysis, allowing you to bring together information from different sources. Pandas provides robust functionalities for concatenation, joini...
L'entreprise chinoise a utilisé les grands moyens pour faire trembler la concurrence. 24Go de RAM, 5400 mAh de batterie, rien … Cet article OnePlus 12 : le smartphone Android qui va détrôner l'iPhone 15 Pro Max'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Hello everyone! ' In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the significance of robust API automation cannot be overstated. Recently, my focus has been on enhancing API test coverage and refining an automation framework. The goal' To m...
Google, avec sa nouvelle IA Gemini, a surpris le monde du high-tech. Selon les spécialistes, cette intelligence artificielle pourrait être … Cet article Comment tester l'IA révolutionnaire Google Gemini dès maintenant sur Bard'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
JavaScript (JS) was born in 1995 as a mean to start giving lightweight interactivity to the browser. Why the name' It was initially called "Mocha", then "LiveScript", but in the end JavaScript was used as a way to market it better to an audience of m...
In this article we will look at how to manage monorepos using turbo repo. Monolithic repositories or monorepos are code bases where multiple projects are stored in a single place. Code can be shared between multiple projects and versioned separately....
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The latest version of JavaScript, ECMAScript 2023 (ES14), brings a range of new features and improvements to the language. Let's explore some of the most notable additions: 1. New Array Methods ES14 introduces several new methods for working with arr...
TanStack is a library that can help you with whatever you need while creating your project. TanStack library offers you a variety of features from dynamic routing to handling complex queries from tables to forms, from state management to charts. What...
' Extract a Type from a Parser Object ' We have a function to print our StarWarsPeopleResults to the console: Update the Logging Function: Using z.infer and passing it typeof StarWarsPeopleResults. This passes in the schema from Zod, and returns a t...
Vast Data, une startup new-yorkaise, vient d'obtenir un investissement de 118 millions de dollars. Cette somme colossale illustre l'attrait des … Cet article Cette plateforme data peut devenir le socle de l'IA, et sera bientôt en bourse a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Google, le géant de la technologie, a révélé que la maîtrise de la cybersécurité peut ouvrir la porte à des … Cet article Google révèle la compétence qui peut vous offrir un salaire de 100 000' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Optimizing VR Games in Unity for a Seamless Experience ' Creating an engaging Virtual Reality (VR) game is awesome, but ensuring it runs buttery smooth' That's the real game-changer! '' Here are some down-to-earth tips to keep your VR game running ...
Do not rely on system Python Getting started with Python should be easy, right' After all, most OS ship with a version of Python. However, most OS ship with a specific version on Python which they rely on to run services and scripts. The installed ve...
Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on using the RigidBody3D class in Godot 4! This powerful class opens up a universe of possibilities when it comes to simulating physics in a ... Read more
Rigid body dynamics are a crucial aspect of game development, affecting how objects move and interact with the world around them. In Godot Engine, a powerful and open-source game engine, ... Read more
Welcome to our journey through the world of RichTextLabel in Godot 4. When creating games, the way information is presented to players can have a huge impact on their experience. ... Read more
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When you’re working on game development, one of your primary goals is to create an experience that runs smoothly and immerses your players. This often means making sure everything is ... Read more
Welcoming all aspiring game developers and enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into an exciting feature of Godot 4, the powerful open-source game engine that continues to rise in popularity: the RemoteTransform3D ... Read more
RemoteTransform2D is a mighty class in the Godot engine that might not capture headlines but can work wonders in your 2D games. Understanding how to wield this feature can empower ... Read more
Reflecting reality in a virtual environment is an intricate game of trickery. One second you’re marveling at the realistic surfaces in your favorite game, and the next, you discover it’s ... Read more
Welcome to an explorative journey into the world of Godot 4, where we’re going to unravel the mysteries and practical uses of the ReferenceRect class. For those venturing into the ... Read more
Welcome to our exploratory journey into the realm of 3D game development with Godot 4, the popular open-source game engine. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the RayCast3D class, a ... Read more
Raycasting is a fundamental concept in game development used for many types of gameplay mechanics, like line-of-sight detection, shooting lasers, throwing spears, and even determining where an object should land ... Read more
Getting a grasp on handling user inputs, and understanding how certain UI elements work is critical for any aspiring game developer. Today, we’ll dive into the world of Godot 4 ... Read more
Hello Dosto! ' Embarking on the journey of DevOps requires a strong foundation in programming, and Python stands tall as a versatile and powerful language for DevOps engineers. In this blog post, we'll take a dive into the basics of Python, understa...
Après huit mois de gestation, Google dévoile son dernier-né. Gemini, présenté mercredi comme le 'plus grand lancement d'IA de Google à ce jour', a pour but de rivaliser avec les meilleurs modèles d'OpenAI. Et de rester en tête dans la compétition acharnée visant à conquérir le monde de l'IA, et... The post Liens vagabonds : Gemini, un "battage médiatique" ' first appeared on Méta-med [...]
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Téléphones, consoles de jeu, baladeurs, assistants personnels... Les échecs technologiques sont nombreux et aucun grand groupe n'y a échappé.
Welcome, dear readers. In this blog, I will be sharing five basic Python projects for beginners. I will soon be sharing more articles on the Python programming language, from which you can kick-start your learning journey. But until then, I have shar...
Introduction User authentication is a crucial aspect of modern web applications. Implementing user authentication can be complex and time-consuming, especially when developing an application from scratch, That's where different service providers like...
When building machine learning models in Python, you will inevitably come across pandas, a data-handling library. This article is a set of notes that I wrote while learning Pandas. What is Pandas' Pandas is a data-handling library for Python. The lib...
unshift Add an element to the front of an array Array.prototype._unshift = function(...values) { const newArray = [...values, ...this] this.length = 0 this.push(...newArray) return this.length; }; const fruits = ['apple', 'mango', 'banana']...
push Add an element to the end of the array(JS has a dynamic array). Array.prototype._push = function(...values) { for(let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { this[this.length] = values[i] } return this.length } const fruits = ['ap...
Intro In Python, both classmethod and staticmethod are used to define methods that are bound to a class rather than an instance. However, they serve different purposes. @classmethod: This decorator is used to define a method that takes the class its...
React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. And it has undergone significant changes over the years. One of the most noteworthy additions is the introduction of hooks, which revolutionised the way developers manage state and ...
Confusing right' I know... but, if you continue with this article you will be able to understand Java Script at the beginners' level. The Basic History In 1995, Brendan Eich invented JavaScript which was intentionally developed for Netscape 2 but be...
In React Native for writing text we have to use Text tag ex:HELLO Like all other tags, we have to use import React from 'react'; import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native'; const App = () => ( ...
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Recap from Previous Episodes In the previous episodes, we discussed the basics of linear regression and differentiated between simple and multiple linear regression. Simple linear regression, which is expressed as y=mx+b, is used to model the connect...
Introduction Java has often been labeled as a verbose language, requiring extensive code even for simple tasks. In a quest to tackle this verbosity, the 14th version of Java introduced a game-changer ' the Record class. This special addition of Recor...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.