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« Octobre 2022 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 4 Octobre 2022 (9)

1: How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Let's Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (CA) that provides an accessible way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers. In this tutorial, you will use Certbot to obtain a free SSL certificate for Nginx on Rocky Linux 9 and set up your certificate to renew automatically.

2: How To Install Nginx on Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for hosting some of the largest and highest-traffic sites on the internet. It is a lightweight choice that can be used as either a web server or reverse proxy. In this guide, you'll review how to install Nginx on your Rocky Linux 9 server, adjust the firewall, manage the Nginx process, and set up server blocks for hostin [...]

3: How To Install Node.js on Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime for server-side programming. It allows developers to create scalable backend functionality using JavaScript, a language many are already familiar with from browser-based web development. In this guide, you will review three different ways of getting Node.js installed on a Rocky Linux 9 server.

4: How To Add Swap Space on Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Swap is a portion of hard drive storage that has been set aside for the operating system to temporarily store data that it can no longer hold in RAM. This lets you increase the amount of information that your server can keep in its working memory, with some caveats. The swap space on the hard drive will be used mainly when there is no longer sufficient space in RAM to hold in-use application data.

5: How To Set Up a Firewall Using firewalld on Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

firewalld is firewall management software available for many Linux distributions, which acts as a frontend for Linux's kernel-based nftables or iptables packet filtering systems. In this guide, you will review how to set up a `firewalld` firewall for your Rocky Linux 9 server, and cover the fundamentals of managing the firewall with the `firewall-cmd` administrative tool.

6: Initial Server Setup with Rocky Linux 9

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

When you first create a new Rocky Linux 9 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the initial setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation to build on.

7: How to Fix Python `No such file or directory` Compiler Errors When Installing Packages

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

A common error that you may receive when installing Python modules is the `No such file or directory` error. This error results from Python trying to call your system compiler during module installation, and ' because the paths to your system compiler are often hardcoded into Python itself ' not finding the compiler files it needs. This tutorial will provide an example of this error, and the steps [...]

8: September 2022 WebPageTest Roundup

Web page test (webperf)

It's been a while, but we're bringing back our monthly product round-up to make it easier for folks to stay up to date with all the new features and improvements around WebPageTest. Overview Free Web Performance Course! Remove TTFB variance from experiment comparisons More events supported in the Chrome Recorder extension Pass through the current test ID in custom script Blacklist, custom scripts [...]

9: Kích th''c Website và vai trò c'a kích th''c Website trong SEO là gì'

Graphic Alerts (Internet)

Kích th''c Website chu'n SEO là m't tiêu chí quan tr'ng trong vi'c 'ánh giá th' h'ng c'a Website t' Google. Nó 'nh h''ng r't nhi'u ''n vi'c mang l'i nh'ng tr'i nghi'm tuy't v'i cho ng''i dùng. Graphic Alerts s' gi'i 'áp '' b'n hi'u '''c vì sao c'n thi't k' kích th''c trang […] The post Kích th''c Website và vai trò c'a kích th''c Website trong SEO là gì' appeared first on Gr [...]

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Richard Carlier

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