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« Avril 2018 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

La veille     Haut de page     Lendemain

8 Avril 2018 (3)

1: A Step by Step Guide to Securing your SSH Keys with the Ledger Nano S

T37 - Webdesign, Ergonomie... (Web 2 / Internet)

Contrary to a popular belief, the Ledger Nano S is not only designed to secure crypto currencies. It can also be used to generate and store private SSH keys, which makes it the most secure way to protect them.Being both slightly paranoid, a Ledger employee and a heavy SSH user, I didn't want to rely on my computer to store my private keys anymore. That's why I decided to move everything o [...]

2: A Step by Step Guide to Securing your SSH Keys with the Ledger Nano S

T37 - Webdesign, Ergonomie... (Web 2 / Internet)

Contrary to a popular belief, the Ledger Nano S is not only designed to secure crypto currencies. It can also be used to generate and store private SSH keys, which makes it the most secure way to protect them.Being both slightly paranoid, a Ledger employee and a heavy SSH user, I didn't want to rely on my computer to store my private keys anymore. That's why I decided to move everything o [...]

3: Interview Topics

integralist (Jquery / html5 / Javascript)

UPDATE: I moved on from BuzzFeed October 2020 and Joined Fastly. See my resume for details. Introduction An organisation reached out to me about whether I would like to work for them. The focus of this post isn’t that company (hence I’ve not mentioned their name), but more about a set of experiences I’ve had when changing jobs and how I think they’re important to keep in mi [...]

La veille     Haut de page     Lendemain

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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